Saturday, June 1, 2024

What we've been up to these last three years

Desolation Sound, Misty Morning
Misty Morning in Desolation Sound
Manson's Landing
Humpbacks frolicking outside Heriot Bay
Sunset in the "Riviera"
Boating with Family and Friends
Shaman II in Laura Cove
Orca viewed from the beach
Steller's Sea Lions out front
Enjoying a fire at Bean's Beach
Palm Beach - Powell Riviera

We haven't gone far these last four years (Mike's four surgeries in four years),nonetheless, the vistas have still been spectacular.  Not going north has been missed, however, I console myself that boating close to home is a good reminder of why we moved to the "Riviera" (Powell River)

1 comment:

  1. Have a great trip….will be following
