Tuesday, May 28, 2024

 Tuesday May 28, 2023

RIP our Georgie boy! (he's just sleeping here...not dead)

After a prolonged absence on our blog, we're back!!!

Its been a Roller Coaster of ride these lasts few years (in real life), thus, no trips north and no photographs or posting since 2020.  Onto the Ferris Wheel this year, with a slow go over the course of the next few months.

This will be the final year for this blog as this will be our last large trip in Shaman II.  I am hoping to put a new blog together after this year called something to the effect "retirement for dummies 101"....OR "Things they never tell you about retirement!" or "don't believe what they say about retirement".  Coupled with updating my Critterseyehaveseen blog.  Almost 400 new photos to add!

We anticipate leaving sometime in the week (weather dependent) and our destination is Central and North coast of BC.  It will be sedate and quiet as we are not "buddy boating" this year, nor do we have George and Ruby with us.  George went to the rainbow bridge for cats two years ago and Ruby cannot make the trip due to age.  She is being well-cared for by Hunter and is in the comfort of her own home!

Set this blog to your watch list for updates and I hope to entertain you with our antics (yes, even by ourselves!).

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