Friday, July 4, 2008

June 28 – Ketchikan to Meyers Chuck

Swells making their way into Meyers Chuck
A mere 8-9' Waves outside Meyers
Remember these? In an Archeological dig, we found this working phone booth
The Seas were angry that day my friends!
Not a foot to spare at the State Dock in Meyers Chuck
Looks can be deceiving, a view without the storm in the Bay
It was a dark and stormy Day!
`A fuelling by all three boats in Ketchikan and then up through Tongass Narrows to Douglas Channel and up Douglas Channel to Meyers Chuck. Fuel was approximately 1.00 lt ($4.13 US gal) – the cheapest we have seen on the trip since leaving Vancouver.
The seas seemed to be co-operating with a low swell on our sterns and a few tide rips along the way, about three quarters of the way up Douglas Channel, the winds start howling on our sterns and we are very quickly in 5-6 feet stern swells. We manage to get into the dock at Meyers Chuck just prior to the seas going crazy in Douglas Channel. It’s great to watch the 8-9’ swells and angry white water from the safety of a dock. We bump into some folks we had met way back in Shearwater and they tell us that the hot springs on Baranoff are a “do not miss” stop. Dave ends up helping one of the boats tied to the dock with some engine repair, we all trade sites and anchorages that are a “not to miss” on our journeys, you guessed it, dinner, drinks, cards and off to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Just a note from a local the passage up to meyers chuck is not douglas channel--you would have to be very near Juneau about 150 miles north of the "chuck". The body of water you were in was Clarence strait
