Tuesday, July 3, 2018

June 23 & 24 – Swordfish Bay & Shearwater

Another favourite spot that we share with the newcomers.  We ended up in the middle bay of Swordfish as we couldn’t get an anchor down in the first bay.  We felt like kelp farmers, three sets of the anchor yielded 20 lbs of kelp on the anchor so we thought it best to go to the middle bay.  This time we anchor bum to bum with Escape and it also worked out fine.

Mike heads out Salmon fishing while the others go gunkholing.  A nice 25 lb spring is brought in and shared with the group.  We celebrate Colin’s 65th birthday with passion fruit cheesecake (Compliments of Heather) and a large bonfire on the beach.

A deluge of rain finds some holes where Mike drilled some holes to put in the track for our canvas, with both (Mikes and Mine) underwear drawers filling up with water.  The deluge only lasted about 20 minutes, but it was enough to soak up both drawers of drawers!  Good thing tomorrow is laundry day!

June 25 - Shearwater
An overnight stop in Shearwater to re-provision, do laundry and meet up with Rick and Faye.  The dreaded reservation for moorage trick happened to Rick and Faye again.  Reservation, no problem, show up, problem, no room???  We didn’t reserve, and ended up on the breakwater, c’est la view.  Clean dry underwear and a nice introductory meal for Rick and Faye (anchored in the bay).  We did see a brother for Ruby that looked almost the same sans white sock!

Lots of building going on around the marina with an add on to the restaurant and more staff quarters up above.  Good groceries this time around and we even saw fireworks for July 1 – the urge to purchase was great for Mike, but he did resist!


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