Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day 10 -Quadra Island - Heriot Bay Inn

Heritage Pub, Heriot Bay Inn
Shark Spit, leaving Cortez

Today we putzed over to Quadra from Cortez - only a 6 mile crossing. We have never stayed at Heriot Bay Inn - and now we know why. The docks are decrepit and almost bordering on unsafe. No power and no water. The Government dock is filled with local live aboard boats and it all kind of looks like a slum. On the bright side, Heriot Bay Inn itself has alot of historical stuff in it, a real live Beer Parlour and good food. We met up with one of Mike's old Managers and her significant other and had a nice dinner and drinks in the Hotel. Another Sunny day! Its almost like we are under a dome of this everlasting sunshine. Its not warm, but out of the breeze it can get up to around 20 degrees.

1 comment:

  1. hola! Too bad I never checked your blog earlier--Dan was on Savary on the weekend relaxing at the Casa Formosa. Oh duh, no wonder why there's live aboards galore at Heriot Bay--there'a beer parlour right there! wow, are there red terry cloth covers on the tables too? I can just taste the draft and pickled eggs. ciao fo now, doe & co.
