Wednesday, July 3, 2024

 June 30 - July 3, 2024 - a 4 hour cruise to Khutze Inlet

Did I mention the crab?

Shaman in the mist

Couldn't help it, what a great shot!

Barn Swallow scoping out
a new nest site?

Sunset last night - gorgeous!

Double click on this one, panorama shot of the delta

A short cruise from Windy Bay to Khutze Inlet.  Bar-none, one of our favourite places on the coast.  A few years back, with a few other boats, a humpback whale came into the bay - that was a kick.....wondering if the big humpback was going to drag one of our anchors with him, they are not the brightest whales!

Lots of bird action, had a pair of barn swallows try and build their next under our bridge, a hummingbird draw by Mikes red Floater jacket, loons doing a dance in the bay (I think it is a courtship dance) a short video.  Again, I am no videographer, I seem to miss most of the action by the time I remember to grab my camera. On the 2nd, we finally saw a pair of grizzly bears, a sow and her cub jumped out of the high delta grass right in front of us to swim to the other side. We were good tourists and kept our distance.  Momma was very wary and kept a close eye on us and her cub.  Nothing to trifle with.

Momma and Baby swimming across the channel

Being checked out and to ensure baby makes it out of the water

A steady stream of boats came and went as most were too scared to anchor.  It tricky in that it goes from shore-side @ 20 feet to a steep slope and then you are in 90 feet of water. We have slipped off this slope a few times in years gone by. Most of the boats that tried to anchor and gave up were flying the US flag.

Crabbing - when we first arrived @ 4:30, I threw the crab trap off the back of the boat, with the timer set to check it after 1/2 hour (we are on anchor and you don't want the trap line to be hooked up with your anchor chain) - 4 massive dungeness crabs, one undersize went back.  Hmmm....if I can get three in 1/2 hour, what will the next 1/2 hour bring, another three.  Backs the size of dinner plates.  All male (can't keep female crab).  Cooking crab all night and shelling everything the next day.  Only got one more in the four days there.  

p.s. It wasn't until we got to Klemtu, that we saw the signs that said no crabbing in their territory (Of which Khutze is in) - there is a squabble going on between the Kitsou and the Feds about who has jurisdiction of their waters.  In my personal opinion, it's because they have a mess of very large fish farms and with everyone being told to get their fish farms out of the water and to land (within 5 years), I think this might be their way of continuing to fish farm in the ocean.  Again, in my opinion, very short-sighted.

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