Saturday, June 29, 2024

That dang boat is still following us!

Misty day in our little bay

Pretty Calm in our little bay


June 26 - 27, 2024 - Eagle Bay

Yet another unnamed bay that we have been coming to for years.  Faye named this "Eagle Bay" and its stuck with us.  True to form, we pulled in and dropped the anchor and three eagles flew overhead and started squawking that we were trespassing!  We have been here with most of our friends, some have been lucky with fish, but most not.  This bay is in behind Idol Point and we get a clear view (without wash) of cruise ships and all boat traffic heading down Seaforth channel.

Overcast, but warming up.  Just finished plowing through a novel (my 10th I think!) and time to do some chores.  Hooked up the hose to get some fresh water as the rain is coming over night!  And since I took the time and trouble to climb up on the roof and clean it (back in Shawl Bay) - the water will be "sans bird poop" :) 

ps - any of the photos on my blog can be enlarged by double clicking on them.

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