Thursday, July 9, 2020

Monday July 6, 2020

The contented look of building your first fire of the vacation!

Dan and Tony swapping stories with a rod in the water.

Tony and Gayle chillaxing!

Awesome little fire place!

The Allure (Dorothy and Dan) come up from Powell River and spend the night rafted to us in Desolation Sound behind our little island of Scobell.  Nice and cozy and a bit of sun and cloud.
Lots of bird song, a little raccoon and Ruby running loose all day on the island.  Ahhh….just what the doctor ordered. Lots of laughs and the summer drink of a pitcher of Sangria.

We were quite surprised when we toured around the bay how few boats there were and we started a new game – looking for American boats.  None were found but a sure telltale sign might be that they are not flying any flag (at least the smart ones aren’t). 

In the afternoon, we head across the channel to a little bay with lots of oysters.  A couple of buckets and we have us a feast.  I shucked about 20 of them and froze them for oyster burgers later in the trip.

A night of Chinese food (made by yours truly) and after a good night of chatter, off to bed.

1 comment:

  1. So you are still living the good life! So are we, 8 years after enjoying your company. We have fond memories of tagging along with you and Sunseeker! Mark and Susan, Calliope
