Tuesday, July 3, 2018

June 29 & 30 – Khutze Inlet

Our favourite spot on the coast for scenery and wildlife does not disappoint!  We watch a grizzly sow with triplets under the waterfall, see a two-year old grizzly on the field eating sedge, and the other spot a mean old male up the river.  This is the most awe inspiring inlet for us and if it wasn’t so far away, would be great to spend a week in!  A few hours of the crab trap and we get 7 dungeness the size of football, at least 10” in diameter with enough meat to do 10 salads for the gang. 

On the second day in there, a humpback swims slowly around our boats in about 30 feet of water.  The feed is amazing and he/she does a major show of lunge feeding to sate his appetite for bait fish.  What more could you want to see?  Perhaps a Kermode bear or some wolves???  This bay has the newbies hooked on coming back up here for sure!  They are off to Ocean Falls to meet their daughter who lives in Bella Coola and hope they are not late for the noon ferry into Ocean falls!  I am sure the long run was worth all they saw in the two days in Khutze!

Oh….did I mention we were almost aground?  That was the first night, we ended up with a foot under our keel.  On the second day, we finally had enough of Betty’s hand-wringing so we moved, but lo and behold, our anchor fell off the bow, how does that happen??  It ends up that a pin that holds the swivel on sheared off and not only did we not hear it plop into the water, we didn’t feel it.  Thank goodness Rick and Faye have a spare anchor that they wanted off their bow anyways.  What a great borrow!

Young grizzly grazing on the grass....
my what big teeth you have

Double Rainbow over the Delta


Cute but I`m sure not too lovable up close
and personal!
Humphrey the Humpback comes within a few
feet of the boats at anchor.  First time we have seen
this in here.

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