We wove our way across to Banks Island and saw possibly the
grossest thing in the water. We are not
sure if its an algae bloom or something else, but the bright orange water is
not appealing. I hope to post video but
there are stills below of how thick it was.
Its almost a sludge. In
hindsight, we should have taken a sample to take home to see what it was. There is miles of it around the sound and
throughout Principe Channel. Mike and I
opt to sneak into the inner bay and lo and behold there is already a sailboat
in. This was a pucker 7 channel. 10 feet in at low tide with kelp all over the
place so hard to see the bottom. We opt
to go the safe route out, but its not so safe, the chart shows a rock on
the starboard side, but in reality, its
on the port side, we just squeaked by it.
Well, enough exceitement for one day!
We head back out and go to the “safe bay” where Rick and Faye are
anchored. We leave the sailboat and her
occupants in their peace and solitude.
Its hot and sunny out without a breeze and no clouds! A gunkholing trip out into “Calamity” Bay,
which is aptly named for all the rocks everywhere. In the middle of one of the islands is so
much colour with wild flowers (Columbine, Paint Brush, and a couple of others I
can’t name – yet) we find a brand new bubble to replace the one we found years
ago up here for the prawn trap! Lots of
abalone shells on the beach and Ruby gets a chance to run to expend some of that pent up energy. I am a bit wary of letting her go on some of
the islands up here as it is wolf country.
We did find some more oriental bubbles etc. but they are not in any
shape that we want to try and take them back.
Unknown but very vivid!
Ask us about the rocks on this island one day!
Unknown but one of my favourite colours.
Sea Raven at Anchor
Harlequin Ducks!
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