This is the reason there are
no mosquitos in Jennis

Impromptu Happy Hour

Red Throated Loon

The view from Jennis

Nice place!
Flat calm and sunny - you could have waterskied south today! A nice travelling day from Jones Coves to Jennis Bay. A 180 degree change over yesterday. We make good time and head into Jennis Bay for an early afternoon meet and greet with Allyson and the kids (Charlie & Orian)
The winter has been kind to Jennis, all looks good. There is lots of activity going on here and lots of boxes being carted around. Allisyn looks great and her new life agrees with her. We look forward to hearing about the next chapter in her life! Good luck Allyson and we hope to hear from you!
We were one of the first set of guests when they first opened ( Shaman II and Oceanaire). We arrived with the afternoon tide and along with one other boat tied up to their new docks. After being given a welcome package with all the do's and don't's at their place (heavy emphasis on the don't) - we proceeded to do what we always do, lower the dinghies and go exploring. While racing around Drury Inlet, we received a call from "Jobel" still on the dock, telling us that we had better come back to our boats and be prepared to take our boats off...the anchors were newly set and the dock were tied together still, but they were in danger of closing in amongst themselves. We loaded up and ended up dropping anchor at the head of the inlet. We did stop by again and after being asked what they could do to improve things, we told them ixnay on the welcome letter with all of the don'ts...just put up some cutsey signs telling us where to walk the dog and where not to enter. We have enjoyed going there for many years and hope that the spirit of Allyson lives on with the new caretakers. We'll report back next year!
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