Our boats at the dock in Ocean Falls

Bric-a-Brac in the "Museum"

Some locals

Top of the Spillway showing signs of disrepair

Soon - back to nature


Always best to "Vote"

Heading into a Sunny day

Another creepy doll at Ocean Falls
We arrive late in the afternoon in the pouring rain. Finally the weather we have come to expect in Ocean Falls but have only seen once here. The best water on coast can be found here and we empty our tanks of any of the remaining water we have to take on this great water. We have a nice prime rib dinner on Shaman with Bob and Pat and Bev and Rick! We are then treated to a great Thunder and Lightening storm that last well over an hour. Good thing that the dog is deaf now! Kobi slept through the whole thing!
The next morning dawns bright and sunny and we walk up to the dam and see what changes have happened in town. Between the dam and Link Lake, Kobi chases a bear off of the road into the bush! That was a good point to turn around and head back to town, although there are bears there also ( we watched one walking down the road from the safety of or boat) The dam is showing big signs of neglect and the lake is quite low....lots of water coming down the spillway. The town is further deteriorated and soon it will be back to nature as well. Nearly Norman is still there and has moved the museaum from the house on the hill to the Marine Ways building. He has done an admirable job of having a nice and tidy new place and has quite the collection of memoribillia from the town. We met lots of nice folks and head up to Eucot Bay tomorrow.
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