Proof in the Photo - Its sunny in Rupert

Leaving Dundas - Flat Calm

Immature Bald Eagle watching over the fish tray

Prince Rupert Yacht Club - "Full"
An uneventful trip from Dundas to Prince Rupert. Seas very calm and the sun is burning away the fog nicely!
A beautiful sunny day in Rupert was had by all. Customs was cleared via phones and after our onshore duties were all done, a relaxing day in the sunny Prince Rupert. Having Sunny and Prince Rupert in one sentence seems a bit of an oxymoron, but its true! We watched the Newshour and with a bit of cackle we reveled in the sunshine until around 10:00 pm. We note that Southeast Alaska is also bathed in Sunshine, while the lower mainland is on flood watch and its rainy and cold. Ladner Lass left some money behind in Rupert for a diver, while moving from one dock to another she lost one of her long lines overboard and fouled a prop. Luckily there was a diver at the ramp able to help out! A few of the group take in the Museum here, for those that have not been and enjoy native art, it’s a must see when in Prince Rupert. Finer pieces of Haida and Tlinget artifacts you will not find.
Throughout the trip, I have had a "Hit" list of things that I wanted to see, among them was the Kermode Bear, the Puffin etc. One animal was a moose, although I did not see one in the wild - it appears that there are moose in Prince Rupert - I came back from shopping to see a moose on the bow of my boat --- it must be from the same family as the Puffin is for Dave!
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