A long day of travelling to cover some ground today. A 12 hour day of travelling down Chatham Strait to ‘Yes Bay”. This bay has a fishing lodge and some great anchorages in it. We all get anchored and tied up when one of the lodge fishing boats comes roaring through the islands behind us at about 30 miles an hour. Not only is there a wash but dangerous if people are out in their dinghies. They zoom past us into the far reaches of the bay. Mike chased after them and asked if was really necessary to be going those crazy speeds in between the islands and so close to the boats…..well you guessed it….a confrontation occurs. The kids (early 20’s) in the boats proceed to egg Mike on by saying “Come on – bring it on!!” and “We have guns in Alaska” --- Luckily Mike was composed and just turned around and came back to the boats. Both these young fellows need a kick in the ass and smack across the side of the head from the lodge owner…..threatening people with guns is nothing short of a criminal offence (even in Alaska) – and we are very disappointed the next morning when these hooligans come back up into the back of the bay and proceed to shoot off guns. It’s really not worth getting the law involved at this point of our trip. We debate talking to the lodge owner but again, is it really worth it to start something we are not prepared to stay around to finish. We don’t let it spoil our trip nor taint our views of the rest of Alaska. Just some small minded, more than likely bored kids with their red necks showing. Hope some of their high paying guests don’t end up with these two kids guiding them about.
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