"Red Sky at night...yada yada yada"
Lots of Snow on the Mountains (Still)
As the Sign Says
Lots of Eagles hanging out for the Fish leftovers
Nice boats at the dock - tide running in the background
Stuart Island Community Dock
Sonora Lodge getting her electrical Generating supplies
A bit of wind is forcast today and we have heard from Gulf Island who has left Vancouver at 5:00 am and has intentions (god-willing no problems!) of meeting up with us in Port Harvey. It’s a bit choppy on the way up, but quite comfortable. We are looking forward to seeing Gail and George at Port Harvey. Port Harve is a nice jumping off point to get back out to Johnston Strait to continue our trek north. We landed in Port Harvey to be greeted warmly by Gail (George was out of town) – some great changes that will have the boaters coming back for more over the summer. We were treated to a grizzly bear and 2 cubs sighting in the drying bay around the back of the bay. Port Harvey has weathered the winter well and will be a delight to any boats that stop in this year!
After a 17 hour day, “Gulf Island” crept into Port Harvey at 10:00 pm. We warmed up some dinner (Homemade French Fries and Burgers – Wayne!) and I kicked the tired but happy bunch off of the boat at 11;30. Another fine day!.
Toni and Gayle departed without even waking us we were surprised to see the boat gone when we woke up. Have a good time. looking forward to all your posts