Aerie (eagles Nest)

Drive By of Kitkatla

View to the open Pacific

Entrance to Totem Bay (only pucker factor 2)The day dawns clear and wind-free so after we all fuel up, we head out Prince Rupert Harbour to take the outside route south. Our first night will bring us to Totem Bay.
Its a spectacular day for a cruise, the sun is shining, shorts are on and the black flies and horseflies are out. We encounter a bit of tidal action when we round the corner between Stephens and Porcher Island. Its uncomfortable but doable. We pass by a small city that we did not even know existed, called Kitkatla. If the tide wasn't running so fast, we might have stopped in.
We entered our anchorage around 3:00 pm and did our newfound stern to stern anchoring. We found an uncharted rock beside Wayne's boat that was clearly visible at low tide......neither the book nor the charts record this rock. Dave & Penny and Mike go exploring to the next bay which is called "Shaman Bay" but its not suitable for anchoring as it is very shallow. Nice to have a bay named after your boat.
The whole outside route looks a little ominous with coves called "Murder Cove", Angry Island with Ire cove....hmmmmmm there has to be some history to be found here somewhere.
We have a nice dinner of fresh seafood on Shaman with prawns, crab and fresh caught salmon! Our pre-reqisite card games and off to bed and a little prayer to the wind Gods to ensure we have smooth weather when we pop out in the morning.
I agree with Vivian's comment. Perhaps you will consider sharing your trip adventure with us all one evening at the club? I am sure the lovely DCYC social director would be pleased to assist in making it happen.