In the Spirit of the Olympics - a Swan Dive?

Dryad Point Lighthouse
Chance of a lifetime Shot
Woooo Hoooo

Excellent Shots Dave!


A friendly Tail Wave
A ton of Fun
Until the next time

Shearwater Terrorists
A lumpy ride from Tate to Shearwater where we were able to re-provision, fuel up and eat dinner in the Pub! Enroute through Millbank sound, Mike saw a huge whale jump right out of the water, by the time we waited and had camera ready, the whale had moved on. However, the same whale did run into Dave and Penny who were at that time two mile behind us and they were treated to a spectacular show! These are once in a lifetime sightings, so we hope you enjoy Dave's photos (even without the telephoto lens)
We bumped into the Simpson's (BYC)here and they are going back out for a few weeks in the general area. Sambuca looks good and has managed to get power on the dock. Shearwater is the central stop for all of those boaters going North or South and here we run into a boat we have seen numerous times in Alaska. "IMB" - we go over to talk to them and meet two very nice people. Jim and Karon are very avid boaters and do a fair amount of winter boating on the sunshine coast. IMB by the way means "Its My Boat". We also ran into Mike and Bernice whom we met back in April at Shawl Bay.
We will be heading back to Ocean Falls for the night. Excellent clear water to fill up our tanks. We hope to meet up with Wayne & Cathy in Fury Cove at weeks end and wait for the weather to make the crossing. There is a storm up here now, but we will not feel it where we are going. Leaving Shearwater is always a signal that we are en route home, so it's kind of bittersweet. Its the busiest we have ever seen it with all the docks full and 11 boats anchored in front of Shearwater.
Hi Betty, we are sitting here in Grace Cove - just finished The Game, Gord won of course. We were 7 boats last night - Banook, Accapela, Zzz Xcape and Coya left this morning, the 1st 3 for Rebecca Spit, Coya for Pender Harbour. We are now 4 - Nut'n Special, Picearies, and Fishing Special (Don McKenzie - an old friend of Gord & Gary's - Tug Boater) and we all had a Spagetti Dinner on SS III - then the card game. We are going to stay here a couple of days - Gary is going to West View with Jamie Nelson (anchored close by) tomorrow - then flying back to Vancouver for a Dr's Appt - hopefully he will be back on Thursday, then off to Penderall Sound - yehhhh!!! It is hot and sunny down here - and going to get "stinking" hot on Thursday - so need to go swimming. Glad to hear you are having an awesome time - wish we could come up to the Broughton's - but we only have 2 weeks - and Gord needs to relax - he has been working so hard! Anyway - hope to see you soon! Take care.