Petersberg, Fishing Marina

Sambuca Driving past a manned Lighthouse

Close up of the Manned Lighthouse in Fredrick Sound

Norweigian Monument to all those who have lost their lives to the sea

"Sons of Norway" Center

Overview of the Marina basinA long run from Endicott Arm takes us into the picturesque town of Petersberg. A Norwegian founded town with everything related to fishing can be found here. We recognize quite a few of the fishboats from Baronoff Warm Springs in the marina and they tell us that the fish opening on July 2nd was not all that great. We also ran into Gord Argue and his wife Nancy from BYC who are on their way up to Glacier Bay. Our new Sailboat friends “Good News” from Bishop Bay and Ketchikan are also in this marina on their way north and Wayne’s good friend Craig whom we saw in Fury Bay was also in Petersberg. It was good to catch up with all these people. We went to dinner at the café at the head of the ramp to the marina and found the food to be quite good. A walk to town to pay our moorage in the morning and do a little bit of shopping and sightseeing. With Mike’s roots being Norwegian, it was great to see all of the Norwegian trinkets and monuments to the norse fishing fleet in Petersberg.
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