The bike in the Foreground is the largest means of transportation in Tenakee

Sealions, Hanging out

The group enjoying a drink in Rosies Bar

Guess credit is out of the question

You won't get lost in Tenakee!
A leisurely cruise from the Warm Springs to the Tenakee Springs. A couple hours of halibut fishing, with Mike catching his first one….albeit only 4 or 5 lbs. (we let it go) and a smooth cruise 40 miles to Tenakee. We catch up with Chuck and Doug from DCYC at Tenakee and in between separate dinners we get a condensed catch up on both trips and what we’ve seen and what we each should see. Sounds like their trip has been as much fun and interesting as ours has.
Tenakee is an interesting town to say the least. No vehicles, but more Bicycles, atv’s and golf carts than you can shake a stick at. Mike and Dave suggest we take our motorbikes and venture into town on their dirt pathway and we are told by Harbour master Wendy that this is not allowed. A few years ago a couple of fisherman brought their bikes ashore and the residents promptly threw them into the ocean due to the noise and speed. Not so says Rosie the barkeep……. She says that the old people (she has been in Tenakee for 54 years) were the ones that didn’t like the noise, but now with the ATV’s, the motor bikes wouldn’t be all that out of place. Nonetheless, we have managed to keep our bikes out of the salt water for over 1000 miles, why test fate. There are Green pedal bicycles that are for use by tourists, if you can find them. We walked into town to the farmers market and the main street is a bustle with all the residents getting ready for the 4th of July parade and festivities (tomorrow). There is some pretty neat old architecture here and some equally as old residents. The parade is running from 11:30 to 11:32 am tomorrow. Shows you how big this town is and how many residents are participating.
We regret that due to weather we will be travelling on July 4th but hopefully we will catch some fireworks when we get to Auke Bay (Juneau) tomorrow.
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