Whale Totem in Kasaan

The group under the World's largest Log Grappler
First my apologies on not getting all my photographs uploaded, I will be back loading all the photographs when we get close to Prince Rupert in a few weeks. Unfortunately for us, we are not able to access emails on the boats and have been reliant on places like the Thorne Bay Public Library -Hours on a volunteer basis 6:00 - 8:00 pm. So there is not always time to get everything uploaded.
Sufice it to say, its a bit frustrating but something we will be better prepared for next time we leave BC Cruising Waters. Updates will be coming your way n a few days on Thorne Bay, Craig, Klawock and Kassaan. Oh....and the whole flat tire on Dave's motorbike for Wayne......stay tuned.......I think we are still getting ointment on the blisters....
Wow, you guys sound like you are having the time of your lives!! Oh the stories you can tell.You will have to have a special night at the club to share your stories and photos!!
aka mrs. Caretaker