A couple hours across from Fury is Calvert Island, in Pruith Bay, the beautiful Hakai Resort and Park can be found. In speaking to another Caretaker, partners in this resort include Jack Nicholaus and Kevin Costner.
We asked for permission to cross through Hakai Resort to the other side of the island to "West Beach" - its one of the most beautiful beaches on the north coast. The controversary has been in the past few years that the Hakai Resort Folks do not want you crossing to the other side of the island through their property. For now they are still allowing guests through. We find out from the caretaker that the bay was packed with a bunch of boats the week before (all heading to Alaska). Its like a freeway up here.
While I was having a nap, and the rest of the group were on the walk and on the beach, I heard some very strange noises coming from the aft deck. I got up to check and found the biggest Raven I have ever seen (close to 2 1/2' tall) strolling on the aft deck. At the time, I did not realize that the bait (frozen Anchovy and Herring) that the boys were thawing to use after their hike (hopefully to catch some big fish) were sitting on the back deck. Alas, we unwittingly fed the raven and had no thawed bait to go fishing with. The raven was fastidious in his dining habits as he only opened one end of the packages and availed himself to the bait while leaving behind some very clean packaging. Aesop knew his birds, very smart those big birds!
Some fun and shenanigans on the beach, some cards and a good nights rest. Oh and a pod of whale sighting at 6:00 am in the morning, but they were to far away to get photographs.
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