Mike Letting Wayne's Halibut go

Slight Difference from the former picture

A nice halibut for inspiration for our boys

A three hour cruise out of Bella Bella/Shearwater Area brings us north into Fjordland and into Ellerslie Bay. After much conjecture between the three boats, we opt to not go into the "Tidal Bore" Lagoon at Ellerslie, but rather find an anchorage close by and do the lagoon and Ellerslie Lake via Dinghy. What three wise men our skippers turned out to be. The downside of not anchoring in the Lagoon was that we missed the most spectacular waterfall on our first day in there. Its not quite Niagara Falls, but certainly breathtaking and it appears to keep the lake a hidden secret for all as the you can see from the photographs, its not a place we would have been able to take the big boats in. Great halibut fishing for everyone else except Mikey! Wayne catches a couple of nice red Snapper and some small "flounders" which he releases and we look forward to a nice barbeque to night of red snapper. Mike's new name is "bait Boyo" as Wayne was up 11 fish against Mike's zero. Dave opted to fish in a different area (we really think he was napping!)
Nothing much is written about Ellerslie in the boating books, which is a shame! There is great fishing, prawning and I am sure great crabbing as well as nice bear beaches for big Black bears!
Off to Oliver Cove this morning and then into Klemtu for an overnighter, fuel and onward to the best crabbing inlet on the coast!!
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