We had a great time, and we wanted to show you the fruits of our labour. I have calluses the size of grapefruits on my hands, my right hand is a permanent claw like appendage (from the power washing) Mike's deck shoes and Bolle Sunglasses and assorted Jeans and sweatshirts are a nice teal blue (from the roof painting, anything that isn't moving is now painted including Pancake the cat, but we wouldn't have traded it for the world!
It sure cured us out of the romantic idea of owning a marina while in retirement! Way too much physical work for semi retired people or city slickers as we like to call ourselves.
Kudos to the Brown Family for toughing it out in the Broughtons year around. alot of the other operators go out for the winter to other places less isolated, but Lorne and Family tough it out and keep a watchful eye out on other peoples houses and belongings in Shawl Bay. Lorne has been busy continuing on with renovations and the repair of Franks Fishing Lodge. We hope that on our return trip that the Hot tub will be fully installed on its new float and that we can imbibe on a bevy or two while having a nice hot soak in the tub! Rob Clean your Room and Mikey pick up the tools!!!!
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