Thursday, July 10, 2014

Leaving the Hidey Hole to Fury Cove

After four days of fishing, playing cards and having some pretty fabulous meals, its time to head off again to points north.  5:00 am comes early and our merry little raft of friends and family split off, Gulf Island and Sunseeker head south to the Broughtons and Shaman II and Raven Spirit head off north.  If we didn't leave today, we would be stuck for another 4 days in the Hidey hole as the winds were projected to come in @ 35 knots that evening.

Flat calm seas greet our trek north and except for the tidal action in front of Slingsby Channel, its pretty nice cruising.  A low gentle north westerly swell allows us to get up around Cape Caution in @ 5 hours.  Since we are anticipating a big blow for a few days, we opt to not stop in Fury Cove but instead find a new place, called Phillips Inlet.  For as blowey as it got outside our little retreat, we didn't feel a ripple was pretty much a bomb shelter in this inlet.  Its even to rough to go out fishing in Fitzhugh Sound for both Rick and Mike.  The next day brings us Sunshine and we let the lines go and head up to Foughner Bay.

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