Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 38 & 39 - Namu Harbour

Grapevines in Renee's Greenhouse

Peach Tree with Fruit in Renee's greenhouse

Shaman at dock in Namu

Garbage Burner

Renee's green thumb at work

The big town of Namu (overview)

Gilnetters await their opening

The original Cafe in Namu

Pete and Renee looking for Halibut

It has been approximately 10 years since we have last been in Namu - the current caretakers - Rene and Pete have done been good for Namu. There is a lot of available moorage and we take advantage of the space and hang out for a couple of days. Fish are being caught right off the docks at Namu and the docks are full of fish boats waiting for a one day opening on Chum.
Rene and Pete have been here for approximately 5 years and although the place is falling into further decay, they have managed to make a little oasis amidst the crumbling ruins. Renee has a green thumb to the extreme, she has a greenhouse attached to her summer float home with one cherry tree, two peach trees and grapes growing in it! On shore, she has more tomato plants and assorted vegetables with a fruit bearing Fig tree growing amongst the rubble. We meet new friends, Bob and Pat on "On the Edge", and have a couple of fun nights kibitzing with them and their group from 100 mile house. They are awaiting guests (their daughter) from 100 mile house but due to the ever growing forest fire in Bella Coola, it will be doubtful if they make it through as the road is now closed. We hope to run into them again in the upcoming month as they are also out until end of September.
The gillnet fleet is amassing in Namu both on the docks and anchoring as they get an 11 hour opening tommorrow. How they could possibly make a living on this short opening is beyond our comprehension! We beleive it is a chum opening as we are told by the fisherman they only make around .10 cents a pound on the pink salmon, they couldn't hold enough to make it pay!
A must do stop for any boater in the area!

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