Head of Simoon Sound
Behind and a little to the north of Shawl Bay is a medium Sized Lagoon that you can enter at high tide with your dinghy, 150' through the bush you end up in Simoon Sound. In all the years we have been coming up to the area, we have never ventured into this area. A hot Sunny day and our work at Shawl Bay was coming to a complete slow down due to the 30 degree weather, we hoped into the dinghy and went for a high speed gunkhole to Simoon Sound. I saw what I thought to be a pilot whale but it never surfaced long enough for a photo opportunity. If you look on the chart in the Cypress Harbour Blog, you will see how close geographically Simoon is and yet, it took about 1/2 hour (high Speed Gunkhole) to get there. Its a place we will re-visit in the big boat as there are alot of picturesque anchoring spots at the head of the bay.
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