Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day 19-21 - Lagoon Cove

Within the Hour the leg was changed out

Lagoon Cove Looking Pretty
York Island in Johnston Strait, still with gunplacements

All Right already.....complaints abounding due to my non-failure to keep up the blog!!

We spent a wonderful 3 days albeit in the rain at Lagoon Cove. Bill & Jean are very gracious hosts and invited the boats that were there for Icecream and Cake up at the House after dinner (In lieu of appy hour) We ran into the most amount of pleasure boats here. One Boat load we even Knew! There were 5 boats at Lagoon out of 5, 3 of them only one nighters enroute to Alaska. The people we knew on the brand new Solander yacht were former Gulf Commander Owners and we knew them from years ago! It was nice to run into some people we knew. As you might have guessed, conversation by the third week between Mike and I is pretty Mono Syllable.... errr...should I say its not quite as stimulating as normal??

The winds have been pretty much howling these last few days at around 30 knots, throw in some rain and a few spots of rare sunshine and you have the makings of a nice spring storm passing through.

We were given 2 very large dungeness crabs and a big plate of prawns (already cooked) by Bill and Jean when we arrived, I like this kind of crabbing and prawning! Lots of updates from Bill and Jean about all the goings on around the Broughtons, its been a busy winter. At the very least, we will stop there on our way back in the Fall. Minstrel Island (across the way) is still closed and the new owner has been busy towing stuff out and subdividing and selling off the back end of the island.

Some excitement at Lagoon, a crab boat is going up on their ways and the crew will change the leg. We are used to doing things during a tide swing, these guys have it down to a science. They were up on the ways for about 45 minutes, had the motor leg unbolted and new one put on before Bill was able to leave the winch for Coffee. Good Job Boys!

We topped up on Fuel while in Lagoon....hold onto your shorts Gord....1.35 lt. diesel. Guess that 5.00 head of lettuce is looking like a fair deal. We have discussed the price of fuel and with expectations that it will be doubling in the next few years, now is as good as time as any to do this trip!

Some salty looking hunters came in for Fuel - yuck ---- Bear hunters....Thank goodness they haven't shot anything. I suspect with the long winter, most of the bears are just waking up. Mike and I beleive that the bears we used to see in Chatham Channel on the beach were shot as were most of the bears in the surrounding area. So along with "No" to Fish Farming in the sea (versus land), I will be adding "No" to bear hunting. We are certainly at a stage in our ecology that there is no need in the wilderness to control the bear population by hunting...its just Trophy hunting! Okay....rant done....Onwards with Day 22

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