Thursday, January 10, 2008

In The beginning.....

After a year of losing 3 very close friends to Cancer and Heart problems, finding out we had a multitude of friends with health problems, both Mike and I losing our jobs, we had an inspiration! We weighed out all the pros and cons of continuing on as we had or simply taking the year and doing what we always wanted to do. Almost like a mid life retirement crisis with out the Canada Pension! We decided that we did not want to "perhaps" make it to retirement together. So while we have our health, the financial means and the ambition to do so, we decided we would meander our way from Vancouver to Alaska on an Adventure of a lifetime on Shaman II. In our decision making process we decided that it would be great fun to share our idea of a "Trip of a lifetime" with our bestest boating buddies. So, Dave and Penny on Oceanaire, Wayne and Cathy on Zambuca, Marko and Jamie on Ladner Lass will be sharing the dream with us! Oceanaire will be along for the entire trip with Zambuca and Ladner Lass joining us sometime in May. So go pop your popcorn, get your reading glasses and log in often to see where we are, see what we see and send us messages and emails when you have time.


  1. Cool!! Are the women not joining or is it the "Mike, Dave, Wayne and Marko Show"... sounds scary!

  2. Betty and Mikey-
    We are jealous, but still wish you guys the very best on the trip. It should be a real life experience!
    Tom & Sue

  3. looks like alot of water any polar bears or king crab yet...
    mike is a still a homo but betty is ok

    have fun Rob K
